By: V. Srur Balance is not something you find in others, but it’s something you create for yourself. You are the one that establishes healthy habits to be able to control the different aspects of your life. In this article I will inform you on how to “be your own best friend” and find balance in having some alone time, while still being with your friends and family.
Balancing your social life and being alone certainly can depend of what type of person you are: an extrovert, introvert or ambivert. You might accidentally be draining your energy with too much time spent socializing, boring yourself to death with too much time spent in solitude or you might enjoy socializing, but with the right people and some time alone. Not knowing what you prefer might affect your daily routine, as you can often feel drained or just plain alone, which can cause lack of sleep or too much sleep, and even lead to procrastination or no motivation in school. When you determine if you're one of the personalities, you can try to balance your social gatherings with spending time in your house. Even if you’re an extrovert, studies prove that experts recommend getting 20-30 minutes of alone time every day. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to leave the house and go somewhere on your own, but everyone needs some place to calm themselves, some more than others. Here are some ways which has helped me recharge at home: Do some self-care – whatever this might be, it needs to be something that makes you feel a sense of accomplishment and can reduce stress without it being something that is tiring. Take a shower - Showers are a great way to relax and recharge your energy. Not only do they help you feel relaxed, but they also help you feel better about yourself. It's healthy, it makes us feel clean and refreshed, and most importantly it helps us relax and boost our mood. Watch movies – Finding a genre of movie that you feel is entertaining is great for spending some time alone by watching something which doesn’t involve anyone. It can also boost your serotonin levels and watching films can also be a form of therapy. Apart from the obvious, escaping our own lives and problems for a short time, it is a way for us to forget anxiety and stress. Bake – Baking is also a way of reducing anxiety as it helps you take your mind off of things and with practise it can become a new hobby. Sleep – Sleep is the most important of all, it has several benefits, and it is probably the most frequent activity of self-care. A human need at least 8 hours to function properly and all that drainage you might be feeling might become even worse because your sleep is irregulated. Just remember, you don’t need to always have that “balance” and you don’t need to feel guilty for setting boundaries in spaces you don’t want to be in. Prioritize what makes you comfortable because sometimes it’s better to put yourself first and uncommit. True balance is made when you feel comfortable in your surroundings and not overwhelmed.
By: M. Gilchrist A growing conflict all around the world, and specially in the USA, has started to be addressed. This conflict is between the young and the elder in an economic perspective. The elder have become increasingly wealthier than the young. Although this is something that has happened along many centuries, this generation of young adults have been receiving less than their parents when they were young.
This is shown when observing the percentage of 30-year-olds earning more than their parents did at 30. While in 1940 this was about 90% of the 30-year-olds, in the year 2023 it has almost reached lower than 50%. As a result, only 18% of 18–34-year-olds have stated they feel proud to be an American citizen of the USA, while 50% of 55-year-olds and above are proud and happy to be an American citizen. This leads to the growth of young citizens participating in protests and resulting in unhappy and angry behavior. However, is it just young people who have been suffering these economic indifferences in the USA? While the median home price skyrocketed through the past few years, the median household income does not seem to change as much. From 1985 to 2020 the median home price has increased by almost 80% while the median household income only by 20%. On the other hand, in 1989 the share of household wealth by age was 19% 70+ and 12% 40-year-olds under. In 2023 30% are 70+ and 7% are 40-year-olds and under. Concluding, in less than 40 years there has been a huge transfer. Why is this happening? People 65+, called baby boomers, are demographically huge. They represent a disproportional share of the voting base, which in a democracy means that their interests will hold more weight amongst politicians. So, politicians will favor their opinion. Furthermore, people over 65 normally have a higher disposable income, which means within the neoliberal economy the market will provide more services towards the elder. Another point is that the capital gains tax has been continuously decreasing, while income tax has been increasing. As older people own more assets they must pay less tax than people who earn a high income. This shift was further exaggerated by the COVID-19 relief program, as the shutting down of the economy prevented young entrepreneurs to thrive and the governments flooded the markets with free money, causing stock prices and house prices to skyrocket. All this while plugging governments into debt, which makes it impossible for them to provide quality public services such as health and education. For example, if the government saves a restaurant from going out of business during the pandemic, it is simultaneously preventing a young, qualified chef from opening a new restaurant. Joseph Schumpeter’s creative destructivism theory argues that for capitalism to function it is necessary for unprofitable businesses to go bankrupt, so the new innovative businesses can grow. Essentially, what we have created is a socialist economy for asset owners, where the government protects and regulates asset values, while at the same time there is a cutthroat capitalist economy for young people who have yet not been able to purchase assets. This imbalance in the economy has led to a 10-year stagnation in world economic growth. Finally, for the economy to function we must have balance between the value of labor and the value of assets. Young people must feel they have a chance of becoming the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. There is no doubt that this feeling of disfranchisement is a leading cause of teen suicide rates, self-harm and ultimately social disorder. For our democracies to survive we must treat people of all ages according to need. By: A. Lotufo You’ve probably heard about mental health before. It’s crucial to know how to take care of ourselves so that we can live with inner peace.
One of the steps we must take so that we can have a good mental health is finding balance between our priorities and our well-being. As much as your priorities are important, so are you. One of the things you should find time for is regular exercise. Not only is it important for our bodies, but it is proven to boost your mood. When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins, also called the “feel-good hormones”. They are released to reduce pain, stress, and most importantly, improve your mood. You probably hear this all the time (and maybe even ignore it), but sleep should also be a priority. I’m not saying go to sleep at 8 every single day. But, when possible, you should stick to a schedule so that you are accustomed with the amount of time you sleep per day. For teenagers, 8-10 hours a day is a good amount of sleep. For adults, 7 hours or more is good. Something that also can decrease your sleep is blue-light devices (cell phones, computers, etc.). Avoid using them before sleeping. Lastly, try a relaxing activity! Make time for nature walks, meditation, or general hobbies. Do things you enjoy. And I will leave off with this note – finding time for these activities can truly be good for your mental health. Do remember though that everyone is different, so maybe what works for someone won’t work for you. It’s important to find your “special activities” that make you feel your best. Try some activities, and if you don’t enjoy them, try other ones! I hope this article inspired you to find balance between your priorities and making time for your mental health, if that’s exercising, walking, or whatever you enjoy doing. By: L. Viegas What is “finding balance” in school?
Finding balance is to balance your school work and your free time and having fun. If you find balance you will feel light or happy. How can you find balance? You can find balance by setting specific times to study and also setting time to do stuff you like; spending time with friends, discovering new hobbies, doing some yoga or mindfulness or just having some alone time. What is unbalance? Unbalance in school life could be; over studying, pulling all nighters, not studying enough or at all! Why is it important? It is important to find balance because you feel; better, lighter, happier and more productive. If you find balance you feel more productive and even your mental health will improve! |
February 2025