By: N. Jannuzzi As 2024 comes to an end, sports have again presented unforgettable moments, historical achievements and rising stars. Here are the athletic highlights of this year:
2. US Open Tennis 2024 The US Open Tennis was held at USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York. It has been home for the US Open for decades now. Twenty-three Jannik Sinner showed an outstanding performance and was ranked number 1 of the world. Sinner defeated the American Taylor Fritz, 6-3, 6-4, 7-5 in the men’s singles final. Aryna Sabalenk also proved herself worthy and won the US Open. Sabalenka triumphed over another American Jessica Pegula in the Women’s final, wining 7-5, 7-5. Sabalenka played very well throughout the tournament, she won six out of seven matches. Both players delivered their very best, making their countries proud.
By: I. Krakowiak It is often easier to turn our eyes away from uncomfortable truths in life and not acknowledge actions, decisions, or consequences affecting others. Human nature would take us down the path of least resistance, and it would always be easier to shift blame to others or circumstances. Avoidance, however, has significant costs. It erodes trust, delays growth, and inhibits us from being better versions of ourselves. Eventually, we face pivotal moments where we must confront our mistakes, take responsibility, and choose to change. While challenging, these moments are crucial for transformation.
Not taking responsibility leads to self-victimizing cycles, which are difficult to break. A failure to meet a deadline may be blamed on lack of communication or unplanned setbacks, which fail to address the real issues of poor preparation or time management. Likewise, in personal relationships, conflicts escalate when individuals do not take responsibility in misunderstandings or hurtful actions. In fact, as time goes on, this behavior erodes trust and destroys relationships. Trust, once broken, is very hard to regain, and this avoidance reinforces the divide. However, these moments of crisis-losing an opportunity, damaging a treasured relationship, or just plain failing-can become wake-up calls. In an instant, such experiences take us to a place of pause, reflection, and accounting for our actions. Forcing us to stop deflecting and take responsibility, perhaps this is an opportunity for growth and connection. Personal accountability is not about guilt or self-punishment; it is an act of empowerment. Owning our mistakes requires a kind of courage, but it also builds integrity and earns respect. For instance, leaders who admit that they made a mistake and make amends often earn trust and loyalty. Transparency showcases honesty and serves as a beacon of commitment to growing personally and collectively. On an individual basis, accountability means learning from experiences, making relevant changes, and not repeating the same mistake again and again. It transforms setbacks into stepping stones and failures into opportunities of resilience and progress. Accountability develops through reflective practice-a truthful appraisal of our actions and choices, and their consequences. This requires humility and the admission of failings. Rather than finding excuses, we should seek feedback from others to understand wider perspectives. Such insights would help us to understand blind spots and guide constructive improvement. Taking responsibility means, in practice, making amends, rooting out the causes, and working on improvement. Not least of all is forgiving oneself. Accountability is about progress, not perfection. Self compassion will help us in growth toward mobility free of the dead weight of past mistakes. But while exposing our flaws is scary, it's also transformational. Moments of truth allow us to break through shame and align our actions with values, repair broken trust, and achieve personal growth. Accountability reveals not only where we've gone wrong but also where we might rise stronger. It shows us that failure isn't an ending but a chapter in the bigger story of growing and recovering. In embracing personal responsibility, we find the power to rewrite our story-a story of integrity, of progress, and of deep connectivity. By: L. Gurney Have you ever experienced a moment of truth? Life is constantly testing us, and putting us in positions where the decisions we make can change everything. In sports, one of the greatest challenges a player could face is dealing with injuries that could determine the rest of their future. These moments break down athletes both mentally and physically, testing their resilience and endurance in these hard times. But it also leaves athletes a choice to make: they can sit out, recover and get better, they can try and continue playing despite the injury, or they can simply give up.
Derrick Rose is a 36-year old former professional American basketball player; his journey through the NBA has been significant, as he achieved remarkable highs, but also experienced tragic lows. From winning the MVP award at just 22, to enduring several devastating injuries throughout his career. Regardless of the challenges, Rose held his head high, determined to exceed and to get better everyday. The NBA 2010 – 2011 season was when Rose truly made a name for himself in basketball history, when he became the youngest player to win the NBA MVP award. However, all that glory soon came to an end when in the opening of the 2012 playoffs, Rose tore his ACL in his left knee. This injury did not only raise concern about the outcome of the Bulls, but also raised questions on if Rose was ever going to be able to get back to his MVP form, as recovery was uncertain. Rose saw his prime year pass by, as he was off the court for the whole of that season. Although this incident was shattering to Rose both mentally and physically, Rose fought to get better: “I just keep telling myself, ‘You're going to get through this.’ It’s about trusting the process and understanding that setbacks are just a part of the journey.” Alongside his torn ACL, Rose fought through many more injuries throughout his career. Rose suffered from a torn meniscus, surgeries and much more… But the question remained: “could he ever return to MVP form?” Nearly 6 years after his torn ACL, Rose redeemed himself, surprising the crowd as he dropped 50 points in a game against the Utah Jazz, his very first 50-point game. In this moment of truth, after years of falling and getting back up, Rose finally proved to himself and to the world that he was in fact capable of returning to his form. After the game, Rose was emotional and cried as he told interviewers that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for. The story of Derrick Rose, shows how if you truly want something and keep on going even whilst encountering challenges along the way, you will get there. Which is why it is important to always be resilient and never give up. To end on his words: “Everything happens for a reason, I come here and I work my hardest everyday, and the last couple of years I’ve been looking for an opportunity to go out there and play the way that I normally play.” – Derrick Rose A. Lotufo From 2022 to 2023, there was a 3x increase in video deep fakes and an 8x increase in voice deep fakes. Likewise, misinformation is becoming a threat to the credibility of online information. So, what really is fake news and what is its dangers?
False information, more commonly referred to as fake news, are news, stories, hoaxes, or others which are created to intentionally misinform people. These not only include news articles and websites, but also images, audios, videos, and more. These can be used to damage reputations, mock people or simply for entertainment. But the effects are certainly not entertaining. With the constant rise of fake news, it’s becoming hard to find which websites and sources can be fully trustable. Fake news can also cause people to utilize inaccurate information, damaging endless things, like grades, articles, and more. With AI growing as it is, deep fakes are also becoming more common. Deep fakes are fake content generated with AI. These are utilized to make people look like they are saying something or doing something which they haven’t done. Deep fakes are all over social media, and it is affecting people immensely. So, with the rise of fake news, how can you protect yourself?
By: M. Gilchrist July 14th of 1789 was when one of the most iconic conflicts of the French revolution occurred: the Storming of the Bastille. The Bastille, an old fortress and a state prison since 1659, was a symbol of the monarchical cruelty present during the reign of King Louis XVI and the French disliked its corruption and inequality. The Parisians also feared the King was planning on arresting the National Assembly and overruling the streets of Paris. Following by the economic hardship faced by the French and their anger and distrust towards the monarchy, the Bastille Saint-Antoine was invaded and encircled by Parisians. A standing image of the monarchy’s abuse of power it fell due to the rage amongst the ordinary people of Paris, making this the turning point and start of the French Revolution.
As the dissatisfaction of the people grew in June of 1791, King Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, and their children intended on fleeing towards the small town of Varennes-en-Argonne. King Louis XVI was discontent with the revolution and its attacks towards the Catholic Church, making him plan to flee on 20-21 of June 1791. However, the royal family was arrested in the town of Verennes, forcing them to turn back to Paris. This was a pivotal moment for the French Revolution, asserting that King Louis XVI could not be trusted along with his lack of credibility as a constitutional monarch. This was when the citizens of France began to demand a French Republic. King Louis XVI was convicted of high treason and during his trial, no one voted “not guilty”, however multiple deputies refrained. Finally, they condemned him to death by guillotine. On 21st January 1793 he was executed on Place de lá Révolution in Paris, finally turning the longstanding French Monarchy on to a Republic. This is seen as a critical juncture in French and European history, impacting and leading to many future alterations of the political and social structure of France. Nine months after his death, Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France and King Louis’s wife, encountered her own death. As a breaking point amongst the whole world, there are many perspectives towards the event. On one hand, it symbolized the end of the thousand-year era of the monarchy in France and the beginning of democracy in the nation, despite the fact that King Louis would not be the last king. To others, it represented amoral bloodshed amongst the land of France and the uncontrollable new rule of violence, even to those who supported the revolution. Despite the debatable reactions, the revolution and the execution of King Louis was a moment of truth towards the republic and termination of the monarchy. By: P. Rizzi de Souza October 27th, 1962.
Decades have passed and this day may now seem relatively insignificant, yet, on this day, deep under the ocean, a decision had to be made, and its outcome prevented what could have been the end of the world. On October 27th, 1962, Vasily Arkhipov prevented a nuclear war from unleashing, yet his incredible story —despite its significance—has remained in the shadows: overlooked and underappreciated. Amidst the tense days of the Cuban missile crisis, nuclear war was mere inches away. Any abrupt action could result in a catastrophe: nuclear war. The Cuban missile crisis was no doubt the most intense part of the long-lasting Cold War; over a period of 13 days, politicians scrambled in desperation for a solution while millions feared for their lives. It all began when American U2 spy planes spotted Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba on the 14th of October. These missiles were located only 90 miles away from the US shoreline- close enough to target most major cities in eastern and central USA, a risk to the lives of countless Americans. At this time, then President John F Kennedy had limited options, he could: send a letter of protest to the UN- which would make the US look weak; Bomb the missile sites- which would be immoral and a direct act of war, or proceed with a military invasion of Cuba- an act of war and something the soviets would most likely respond to. JFK chose none of these. Instead, he ordered a naval blockade- or as he called it, “quarantine”- of Cuba on the 22nd of October, in order to prevent more soviet missiles from being delivered. By the 27th of October, negotiations and letters were already being exchanged by Kennedy and Khrushchev, yet at the same moment, near Cuba, a soviet submarine B-59, armed with a nuclear weapon, found itself targeted by US depth charges- sent with the intention to force the submarine to the surface. US ships did not know at the time that this submarine had such a lethal weapon on board, and the soviet submarine had no reliable communication or recent updates from Moscow. As a result of extreme pressure and a lack of information, 2 of the submarine's senior officers (including the captain) decided to launch their nuclear torpedo, certain that these charges were an attack and that they were witnessing the start of war. Yet, fortunately, all 3 senior officers on board had to agree to launch the torpedo, and thus, what would have been a devastating decision was averted. With his veto powers, Arkhipov- the 3rd senior officer on board, refused to launch the torpedo, convincing his peers that it was, in fact, just a signal to surface. And so, the B-59 surfaced and headed back to Russia, and this potentially catastrophic incident was resolved. No missile was ever launched, and by the 28th, the Cuban missile crisis came to an end, peacefully. This standoff was a moment of extreme tension where both nations were tested to their limits. Yet, beneath the bureaucracies of politics and negotiations, it was deep underwater where the world came the closest to nuclear war. After days in near-suffocating conditions, it was easy to desperately conclude that the US charges were an attack, yet, thanks to Arkhipov’s better senses the destructions that would ensue never happened. Although he was never widely celebrated during his lifetime, he shall always be known as "the man who saved the world" (Thomas S. Blanton). A nuclear war- is it a synonym for the end of the world? Thankfully, Arkhipov’s decision has given us humans the fortunate opportunity not to know. By: L. Roschel One of the most influential moments of truth in architecture was when its fundamental relation with materiality was presented. The Crystal Palace, a construction which seemed as large as the entire planet (563 metres long and 124 metres wide), did something unexpected: it was built with the use of iron at an unprecedented scale and glass as a giant glasshouse. However, this wasn’t the most impactful action. The Crystal Palace, an idea of Prince Albert and the Royal Society of Arts, took nine months to build and was planned especially for the Great Exhibition (1851) in London's Hyde Park. The exhibition included art and inventions from over 25 different countries. Opened by Queen Victoria, the exhibition attracted six million people in six months.
The Crystal Palace, built primarily of glass and iron, had suffered from years of wear and tear. Although it had been an architectural marvel when it was constructed for the Great Exhibition, maintaining such an enormous glass structure proved costly and difficult over time. The building was not as structurally sound as it once had been, and the repairs were increasingly expensive. Thus, after the Great Exhibition, the Crystal Palace was moved to a site in Sydenham Hill, South London, in 1854, where it became a constant attraction and served as an establishment for exhibitions, concerts, and other events. Over the decades, its original purpose as a showcase of industrial innovations progress became less relevant, and the building struggled to keep the same pace with new, more modern activities and technologies. With time the exhibition hall became outdated, and its large size made it difficult to find other purposes for the building. Unfortunately, in November 1936 a catastrophic fire destroyed the Crystal Palace, making it the final, tragic truth of its existence: it turned into a monument of a past era. The great vision that once symbolized human progress was consumed by flames, leaving behind only memories. The legacy of the Crystal Palace is still alive indeed, not in its physical form, but in the lessons about the fragility of how the most ambitious human creations and all great achievements are ultimately impermanent and unstable. By: I. Papa Life is full of moments that define us, and often these pivotal moments come in the form of decisions. These decisions unnoticeably shape the course of our future, and they can occur at times when we least expect them. The “moment of truth” refers to those moments when a person stands at crossroads, forced to choose a path that can possibly alter everything about their life, values, and identity.
Crucial decisions, which can make or break our futures, can appear in many forms. It might be the choice to end a toxic relationship, move to a new city, change careers, or take a risk on an opportunity that feels both thrilling and petrifying. These decisions challenge us to step out of our comfort zone, often requiring for us to take a deep dive into self-reflection of our own selves. The moment of truth is a test of courage, conviction, and the willingness to embrace uncertainty as best as you can. One of the most powerful life-changing decisions come when people face their deepest fears, which they never thought capable of confronting. For some, it might be the decision to pursue their dream against the odds, knowing well the probabilities of failing. For others, it might be about choosing to let go of what no longer serves them, whether that’s an unhealthy relationship, a job that drains them, or a self-limiting belief that holds them back. After all, it is expected that our interests and opinions alter over time. The key to these moments lies in the ability to recognize when we are required to make a change, and the strength to take action, despite the harsh risks which can be involved. What makes these decisions so significant is their ability to unlock something deeper within us. Life-changing decisions force us to confront our values, priorities, and deepest desires. They indirectly test our commitment to personal growth and our willingness to live as we wish. That is why, when your parents tell you to have good judgement, you should listen! And as you build up a sense of moral judgement, you will unfortunately fail and make mistakes, but you will also grow, learn and develop vital resilience skills. Ultimately, the moment of truth is a reminder that life is, in fact, full of endless possibilities. While we may not always be able to predict what these moments will look like, we can trust that they will shape the trajectory of our lives and perhaps, even define who we become. |
February 2025