1. Download the file above
2. Complete the downloaded application form 3. Send it to [email protected] And voilá! Application rounds are open all year!
Isabela Sherique
11/29/2024 09:56:33 pm
hi! In the email it reads there is an opening for photographer as well. I am really interested to apply for that position. I am available to submit my photos when needed.
Isabela Verdeja de medeiros
11/30/2024 07:09:29 pm
Hi I would love to take part in the photography section for the lion magasine. I really like photography and this would be a great opportunity to take part. Thank you
Helena Kara José
11/30/2024 07:13:21 pm
Hello!! I would love to be part of the lion as a videographer or photographer!! I think it would be a great opportunity for me to expand my knowledge in these areas as I love to take pictures and design things. I’m very interested in these things and I love the lion magazine!!! Thank you
Catarina Krueder
11/30/2024 07:16:45 pm
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