By: A. Wicchman (spoilers ahead) Oh my god. This is my reaction after watching Infinity War, it’s probably one of the greatest action movies ever made. The story revolves around all the Marvel heroes that appeared in the other movies so far, and they join forces to defeat the mad-titan Thanos from finding all the infinity stones and destroying the universe. Finding a way to bring together different characters from different movies is hard work, but Marvel was able to do this perfectly, making this their best movie yet. They combined humor, action and drama to create something grander than any superhero movie before it. But although the movie is amazing, Infinity War does have its flaws. Some amazing superheroes such as Black Panther and the Guardians of the Galaxy did not get as much screen time as they deserved. But this one flaw is overshadowed by the amazing acting and action sequences. For the disappointment of some, many new characters have died and here is a list of the deaths in chronological order:
But do not worry! There is a chance that most of these characters are alive as some have new movies coming up such a Spider-man and Black Panther. Furthermore, it would be financial suicide for marvel to kill all these new and amazing characters. Here are some spoilers:
By: L. Maksoud A lie is defined as something which is not true and used to deceive someone. When was the last lie you told? And do you think lying can be justified? Well lying is a human tendency, it even changes your body when you do; increasing your heart rate, making you sweat or stutter. But people like you and me may only lie to one person or two, but if you had the ‘power’ of lying to thousands and millions, it could still happen. The first conspiracy is based on the fact that a group of people, may already know about life threatening events before-hand. OR maybe have the idea of it. So they passively sneak into media references to them so that people will grow accustomed to them. A very broad example would be any dystopian movie/book like The Hunger Games or Divergent which foreshadows a totalitarian government in the future. However, the biggest proof that this ‘predictive-programming’ has is 9/11. Before the happening, indications of the twin towers being destroyed were everywhere. An ad taken from a newspaper in 1968 done by a group of realtors. Clearly showing a plane en route to the twin towers in New York. “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned, societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.” – Alan Watts This may be the reason why Family Guy made a joke about the Boston marathon or why The Dark Knight Rises had a place on its map labelled “Sandy Hook” or why The Simpsons are always “predicting” things [Mutant tomatoes, lemon trees being stolen, Trump and three eyed fish]. Spiderman comic showing the villain breaking through the twin towers. The next conspiracy is about crisis actors. The idea that some people are paid to show up at crime scenes or locations which are being broadcasted and take on the role of victims and witnesses. Now in no way do I mean any disrespect to the people who were in these events, this is simply a conspiracy theory. This image was circulating the internet. It shows screenshots of a news broadcast and pictures that could possibly be exposing a crisis actress. Crisis actors have actually been proven to exist, but, websites which would recruit these people were mostly taken offline in November 20115 when this theory started to become popularized.’ This woman is probably the most famous crisis actress, she was seen in multiple news broadcasts acting as a witness.
After reading all of these I began to wonder, if these were hypothetically real, what was left of social media, television, and radio which was real? Hasn’t everything been planned out already? Photos of Kim Kardashian reading scripts have started to make us feel like reality shows aren’t actually reality shows, and that every episode of the bachelor is simply a bunch of bad actresses competing for a man that they know they’ll never marry. What if everything was a hoax? Everything is planned to take your attention away so you won’t focus on the important things. How many times have you chosen to watch American Horror Story or Stranger things rather than the news? Maybe the moment which we find out Kylie Jenner is pregnant is the moment some sort of natural phenomenon is happening in a remote place, and if we weren’t so caught up with some celebrities life, we would notice. But they don’t want us to. |
December 2024