By: E. Wichmann That’s it. The 2018 elections are over. A revolutionary chapter in Brazilian politics, marked by the extreme decrease for politicians supporting ‘old politics’. This article will take you through the results for the elections for governor in the 26 Brazilian states and the federal district alongside the result for the presidential elections. What should we expect from our new governors and president?
Tocantins: In the state of Tocantins; candidate Mauro Carlesse of the PHS, beat Carlos Amastha with 57.39% of the popular vote. The candidate, and newly elected governor for the state of tocantins, has been recognized for his work in attempting to achieve a more ‘green’ tocantins. However, the candidate has been previously arrested for a corruption scandal involving alimony. Sergipe: In the state of Sergipe; Belivaldo Chagas from the Social Democratic Party (PSD) beat Valadares Filho (PSB) with 64.72% of the vote. The candidate also worked as a lawyer, attracting even more voters. The candidate is also a thorough supporter of the Brazilian Democratic Movement which opposed the military dictatorship in Brazil. This may lead to problems with the future president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro. Santa Catarina: Comandante Moises (PSL) was the winner of the election in the state of Santa Catarina. The candidate won the election with approximately 71% of the popular vote. Being part of the same party as presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro increased his popularity tremendously. Roraima: Similarly to the state of Santa Catarina, the state of Roraima also saw the election of a candidate from the party PSL. Antonio Denarium beat Anchieta (PSDB) with approximately 53.3% of the votes. The candidate has similar ideologies to that of the president elect Jair Bolsonaro, which increases his popularity. Some ideologies the candidate support include: easier accessibility to firearms and the privatization of state enterprises.The popularity of the party was also caused by the state’s border with Venezuela. The countries decaying state and the similarity of the arguments used by the opposition to PSL and the politicians in Venezuela were crucial for the parties success in the state. Rondônia: In the state of Rondônia, there was also the success of PSL. Coronel Marcos Rachos beat Expedito Junior with 66.34% of the vote. Similarly to Roraima and Santa Catarina this candidate was popular due to the candidate's party - PSL and its right-wing conservative ideologies. Rio Grande do Norte Fatima Bezerra from the Workers Party (PT) was elected with 57.6% of the vote. The candidate beat Carlos Eduardo (PDT) due to the popularity of the party in the state and its benefits for the area. The success of the party in the state is not unpredicted due to high levels of support for the parties candidate for the presidency Fernando Haddad and support for Brazil’s convicted ex-president Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva Piauí The state of Piauí also witnessed the popularity of the Workers party with Wellington Dias beating Dr. Pessoa (Solidariedade) with 55.65% of the popular vote. The candidate constantly defended the ideas of Fernando Haddad (PT) of a more liberal state and his policies aimed at social deficiencies in the country. Pernambuco In the state of Pernambuco, Paulo Camara (PSB) beat Amando Moneiro with 50.7% of the popular vote. The governor is part of the Brazilian Socialist Party, a centre-left party. An idea that the candidate defended was the ‘Escola Sem Partido’ project which had the aim of reducing teachers influencing students on their political opinions. This is the governor's second term and he was previously an economist. Paraná Ratinho Junior of the Brazilian Social Democratic party won the race for governor with nearly 60% of the popular vote. The candidate and newly elected governor of Paraná is the son of ‘Ratinho’ the popular brazilian television host. The candidate’s support for Jair Bolsonaro also increased his popularity. Paraíba In the state of Paraiba, Joao from the Brazilian Social Democratic party (PSB) beat Lucelio Cartaxo (PV) with 51.18% of the vote. As stated previously the candidate, alongside his political party, support the idea of the ‘Escola Sem Partido’ an extremely controversial topic in Brazilian politics. Pará Helder (MDB) beat Marcio Mirando (DEM) for governor in the state of Para with 55.43% of votes. The newly elected governor also promised that his first act as governor will be to summon the national security force to be a branch of the police in the state, hence increasing security in the state. Mato Grosso do Sul Reinaldo Azambuja (PSDB) beat Juiz Odilon (PDT) with 52.35% of the vote. This is the governor's re-election showing how popular the PSDB party is in Brazil. The party defends the privatization of state run companies and wishes to invest in technology and the formation of policemen. Mato Grosso In the state of Mato Grosso, Mauro Mendes from the Brazilian Democratic party (DEM) beat Wellington Fagundes (PR) with nearly 58.7% of the vote. The governor-elect is as the same party as the ‘Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados’ Rodrigo Maia, which increased his popularity in the state. Maranhão The state of Maranhao did not follow the patterns of the elections all around the country. In the state Flavio Dino from the Brazilian Communist Party beat Roseana Sarney (MDB) with nearly 59.3% of the popular vote. The poverty in the state popularized the party in the party. The candidate was previously a judge and declared his support for Ciro Gomes, candidate for the Brazilian presidency. Goiás In the state of Maranhao, Ronaldo Caiado from the Brazilian Democratic Party won the election with approximately 59.7% of the popular vote. The candidate was previously a physician and he supports increased funding for projects aiding the health care in the state of Goias. Espírito Santo In the state of Espirito Santo Renato Casagrande (PSB) beat Manato (PSL) with nearly 59.4% of the popular vote. This is the governor's re-election. He was previously a Lawyer which made him more popular for his legislations and his knowledge on the judiciary system. Ceará As is the case of most northeastern states, there was an evident support for the Workers Party (PT). Camilo (PT) beat General Theophilo with a nearly 80% of the popular vote. This state followed the general trend for the states in the north east in Brazil because of their promise for multiple social projects. Bahia Similarly to Ceara, Bahia also saw the popularity of the Workers Party (PT). Rui Costa beat Ze Ronaldo (DEM) with 75.5% of the popular vote. The party initiated various social projects such as the Bolsa Familia. This is the Governor's re-election. This is his second term as governor for the state of Bahia. Amazonas Wilson Lima (PSC) beat Amazonio Mendes(PDT) with approximately 58.5% of the popular vote. The governor-elect is part of the Social Christian Party, and the christian majority in the state aided the success of the candidate. Amapá In the state of Amapa, Waldez from the Democratic labour party beat ‘Capi 40’ with 52,35% of the vote in the State. The popularity of Ciro Gomes (Candidate for the Brazilian presidency) in the state was crucial for the candidate’s success. This is also the governor's re-election. Alagoas Renan Filho from the Brazilian Democratic Movement beat Josan Leite (PSL) with the vat majority of the vote. The governor attained 77.3% of the vote which granted him his re-election. The candidate is part of the current largest party in the country and prioritizes unfinished construction sites in the state. Acre Gladson Cameli (PP) beat the candidate from the Workers party with approximately 53.71% of the vote in the state. The governor elect was previously a senator and is affiliated to the Brazilian Progressive Party which have the aims of creating a more ‘modern state’ and get rid of the ‘old politics’ present in Brazil. Distrito Federal In the Brazilian Federal District, Ibaneis from the Brazilian Democratic Movement beat Rodrigo Rollemberg (PSB) with nearly 70% of the state’s votes. The candidate beat the governor Rodrigo Rollemberg that was running for re-election. The candidate was previously a lawyer and decided to pursue politics as a career in August this year. Rio Grande do Sul In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite from the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) beat Jose Ivo Sartori from the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB). Similarly to the federal District, the candidate beat the governor who was running for his re-election. The candidate was previously mayor of the Pelotas, a city in Mato Grosso do Sul. Minas Gerais In the state of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema (NOVO) beat Antonio Anastasia from the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) with the vast majority of te votes. 72.8% of the votes were in favour of the candidate who throughout his election supported the reduction of costs in the state. The candidate was previously a businessman and ran a billion reais organization named ‘Grupo Zema’ Rio de Janeiro In Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel (PSC) beat Eduardo Paes (DEM) with approximately 60% of the popular vote. The candidate, and lawyer, from Brazilian Social-Christian Party promised a reduction of corruption, violence and extremely increasing crime rates in the states. The promise of a reduction in corruption certainly attracted many voters as the previous governors of the state have been involved in intricate schemes of corruption, such is the case of Sergio Cabral who is serving his sentence for corruption in a detention center. São Paulo In the state of our Sao Paulo, following a extremely competitive race and the leak of an alleged sex tape from candidate Joao Doria, Joao Doria from the Brazilian Social Democratic Party beat Marcio Franca (PSB) with 51.75% of the vote. The candidate has been popular for his agenda against the increasing crime rates and anti-corruption in the state. Presidency Now, what were all waiting for, the results for the presidential elections. Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) beat Fernando Haddad with 44.87% of the vote in the country. The president-elect has been popularized for his anti-PT campaigning, promise to decrease crime rates all around the nation and his extremely attentive measures against the increasing corruption in our nation. The candidate has also promised a country where the ‘communists’ will not control the country any more. |
February 2025