By: M. Lutfalla Polls show that Lula could possibly win the 2018 election if he runs.
Brazil’s presidential elections take place every 4 years, and the last one took place in 2014, meaning that this is the big year. After everything that happened overt the last few years and the federal police investigation, “Lava Jato”, on the Brazilian corruption scandal, the population is anxious for this new election, as Brazil is on the line to see whether things are going to get better. The election takes place in October, and a lot of research is taking place to see what the population’s opinion on the candidates. Recently the ex- President Lula was convicted of corruption and in January it was upheld on appeal. This made him lose the right to run for the presidential elections this year, even though he is trying all measures to be included in this election. Many were claiming that if Lula had been part of the presidential elections of 2018 he would get a lot of support. This was proven by a poll convicted by the MDA, which stated that 53.3% of those polled said they could vote on Lula if he was part of the election. Moreover the poll demonstrates the discontent of Brazilian people towards the President Michel Temer, in which 73% of them gave a negative evaluation. Michel Temer used to be Dilma Rousseff’s vice president, once in 2016 when the Brazilians chose to impeach Dilma, he rose to the presidency, but since then opposition grew towards him. This MDA poll has a margin of 2.2% error, commissioned by national transportation association GNT that analyzed 2002 people around Brazil, from the 28th of February to the 4th of March. The elections seem to have a balance number of candidates from the Left and from the Right, there are several of candidates, but that reduces the chances of the elections being over on the first round, as it is more likely for the votes to be spread around the candidates. We have heard several names of candidates such as: Lula (PT); Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) ; Geraldo Alckimin (PSDB) ; Marina Silva (Rede) ; Ciro Gomes (PDT); Joaquim Barbosa (PSB) ; Aldo Rebelo (Solidariedade) ; Manuela D’Ávila (PCdoB) ; Álvaro Dias (Podemos) ; Rodrigo Maia (DEM) ; Michel Temer (MDB) ; João Amoêdo (NOVO) ; Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) ; Flavio Rocha (PRB) ; Paulo Rabello de Castro (PSC); Henrique Meirelles (MDB) ; Fernando Collor de Mello (PTC) ; Vera Lúcia (PSTU). Brazilians are excited but tense for the 2018 elections, and as the months pass by the tension will only increase. It is a decisive moment for Brazil, and this is making its economy unstable for this period of elections, explaining why the currency price fell slightly the last few months. Sources:
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